Oct 2, 2017
Anyone who grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s in America probably remember the commercials during Saturday morning cartoons showing the subject of today’s episode. These giant beast machines were jumping over buses, crushing cars, and coming to a coliseum near you. Even if you’ve never been to a show, the iconic voice behind day of the week many events took place is sure to dig up some memories.
Well, actually, this episode is set to release on a Monday
I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Monster Trucks.
The role of the Monster Truck announcer was played by Mat from The One Word, Go! Show, who is also one of The Story Behind Executive Producers.
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This episode was brought to you by The Story Behind Executive Producers who support the show through the Patreon Page at patreon.com/thestorybehind: Stargate Pioneer from GonnaGeek.com, Mat from the One Word, Go! Show, Sam Dunn, Diane and Denise from History Goes Bump, Scott Smith from Recovering from Religion, Dan Brenic from Netflix N’ Swill, Jarrod Dunham from TheHistoryphile.net, Heather Welch from Sunshine and PowerCuts, and Jason Bryant from Mat Talk Online, Gerald and Andy from Two Peas on a Podcast, Bandrew Scott from The Bandrew Says Podcast and Podcastage YouTube Channel, and newest Executive Producer, Adam from Everyone Has a Podcast.
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Evolution of Monster Jam Press Kit - feldmotorsportonline.com
The History of Monster Trucks - The Newswheel
History of Grave Digger - MonsterJam.com
VIDEO: The Youngest Female Monster Truck Driver Builds Her Own Rides
'We Crush The Cars': Inside The Monster Truck Arena - NPR
Interesting Facts about Monster Trucks - SCSGearbox
Meet the 19-Year-Old Student Who Builds Monster Trucks - Mental Floss
Keeping Up with the Country’s Youngest Female Monster-Truck Driver - The New Yorker