Sep 20, 2018
School picture time is here and every time I get my daughter ready for her picture, I try not to follow current trends too much. I have this fear she’ll have the same experience I had in 1990 when my mom decided to go all out with my school picture and not only give me a big enough pinafore on my dress that it could double as a wind sail on a small boat, but she also teased my bangs and hair so much that I remember the photographer moving his camera back to get the full look.
And, yes, if you follow The Story Behind on Twitter, Instagram and in the Facebook group, I’ll post the picture for you all to see. I also encourage you to post some of your school photos so I don’t feel as bad.
But I bring up this picture for a reason. There wouldn’t have been that awful picture in the world without the topic of today’s episode.
I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Hairspray.