Jul 5, 2018
If you’ve ever read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” you may hear a heartbeat as something a little creepy. Although it’s funny to note that on many sound machines for babies, a heartbeat is offered as a way to help them remember one of the sounds they heard in the womb. However, for doctors, the sound of a heartbeat can tell an awful lot about a person. It’s one of the first things they listen to during a physical exam. It’s also one of the first things an OB-GYN looks for and, later in the pregnancy, listens to for a pregnant woman.
While listening to the heart isn’t new in the world of medicine, one of the most common tools for doing so is only a little more than 200 years old.
I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind The Stethoscope.
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