Oct 16, 2017
Every fall and spring, my husband and I buy the topic of today’s episode by the case for our allergies. And with a new baby in the house, we’ve been buying even more. We have a box in almost every room in the house. We most likely take them for granted, until we run out that is.
In this episode, we’ll look at the original, non-disposable version used for centuries through the more recent invention most of us know and use today.
I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Tissues.
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This episode was brought to you by The Story Behind Executive Producers who support the show through the Patreon Page at patreon.com/thestorybehind: Stargate Pioneer from GonnaGeek.com, Mat from the One Word, Go! Show, Sam Dunn, Diane and Denise from History Goes Bump, Scott Smith from Recovering from Religion, Dan Brenic from Netflix N’ Swill, Jarrod Dunham from TheHistoryphile.net, Heather Welch from Sunshine and PowerCuts, and Jason Bryant from Mat Talk Online, Gerald and Andy from Two Peas on a Podcast, Bandrew Scott from The Bandrew Says Podcast and Podcastage YouTube Channel, Adam from Everyone Has a Podcast. and Barry G, Nick and Justin from Epic Film Guys, and newest Executive Producer, Jeremy Collins from Podcasts We Listen To.
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History of Kleenex Tissue - Thoughtco.com
Chic or Passé? The Fabulous History of the Humble Handkerchief - BonjourParis.com
Handkerchief History - HankerchiefHeroes.com
The History of This: Handkerchiefs - The Crossing Guide
The History of a Lady’s Handkerchief - Bobby Pin Blog
Handkerchiefs - Encyclopedia of Fashion
Kleenex Product Info - Kleenex.com
VIDEO: LITTLE LULU Kleenex commercial (from PERRY COMO SHOW 1959-01-17)