Jul 13, 2017
As of 2017, it’s been 16 years since Alex Trebek shocked the world by appearing clean-shaven in the 18th season of “Jeopardy!” Aside from one season back two years ago, when he grew a thinner version back again, prompting fan pages and even a Twitter account just for his mustache.
But thanks to audience feedback,...
Jul 10, 2017
When god said, let there be light, Chuck Norris said, “Say please.” Why is this joke funny? Or, at least it was funny a few years ago when Chuck Norris jokes were an internet favorite? Because in the joke, you are to believe Chuck Norris is more powerful than god.
I know, explaining a joke clearly makes it funnier....
Jul 6, 2017
When you sign up for a social media account, once you’ve established your username and profile, what’s one of the first things you do? Choose a profile picture. Well, in 1776, after the Declaration of Independence was signed, what was one of the first things the founding fathers wanted to do? Establish a national...
Jul 3, 2017
We talked about mascots in The Story Behind Sports Superstitions and Curses and about how they’re thought to bring a team luck. Well, mascots aren’t just for sports. The one we’ll be talking about today is basically a mascot for the United States, although you probably won’t see him performing cartwheels during...