Nov 1, 2018
This is a very special episode of The Story Behind. Believe it or not, two years ago I pressed Publish on the first three episodes of this podcast, The Story Behind the Theremin, The Story Behind Dry Ice, and The Story Behind Sugar Skulls. This podcast was supposed to be a side-project for me. It was supposed to just...
May 10, 2018
I’ve only done one other episode of The Story Behind about a song, and that was The Story Behind Imagine by John Lennon. And if you’ve been in the Story Behind Discussion Group on Facebook, you probably would think I would be doing The Story Behind Arica by Toto. Well, not yet.
Usually, I get ideas for topics from...
Nov 2, 2017
Warning: If you usually listen to this podcast at a faster speed, singing will be used and this might be a good time to slow your podcast player down.
If you’ve been with me from the very beginning, you know every so often I like to thrown in a little singing now and then. I try to deny being a theater person, but I...
May 25, 2017
The Story Behind Lullabies Spotify Playlist
As you can imagine, much of my baby break was spent getting used to having a newborn in the house again and learning what he likes and dislikes. Turns out, my son is a fan of music, which should come to no surprise to those who know me and my semi-secret love of musicals or...
Feb 16, 2017
In 1994, a movie came along about a man of low intelligence who happens to hit a few lucky breaks, weaving himself in and out of the timeline of American history, and into the hearts of millions of movie-goers. That man was Forrest. Forrest Gump.
For the month of February, I’ll be focusing episode topics on historical...