Apr 12, 2018
While not scientifically proven as a reason why communication and technology fails, there was plenty of evidence in this episode to prove otherwise, including having to record three times.
I'm your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Mercury Retrograde.
Nov 3, 2016
There’s a lot of talk about the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, this election season. Gun control has been a hot-button topic in politics for many years, and has seemed to increase in being discussed, as well as what the Founding Fathers could have meant when they wrote that amendment back before there were...
Oct 31, 2016
Dry ice. The name, itself, seems like an oxymoron. Ice is made of water, and for the most part, there should be a wet mess left behind when it melts, right? Maybe you saw it for the first time in middle school in a science class -- depending on your age, maybe you were even allowed to handle it. I doubt nowadays, with...