Apr 1, 2018
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Last year, I released a special episode of The Story Behind April Fool's Day, and with all the practice I've gotten since then of editing podcasts (for myself and others), I wanted to try my hand a remastering an older episode. And this was the perfect one to try today.
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You can email me at Emily@TheStoryBehindPodcast.com or visit TheStoryBehindPodcast.com/Contact.
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This episode was brought to you by The Story Behind Executive Producers who support the show through the Patreon Page at patreon.com/thestorybehind: Stargate Pioneer from GonnaGeek.com, Mat from the One Word, Go! Show, Sam Dunn, Diane and Denise from History Goes Bump, Dan Brenic from Netflix N’ Swill, Jarrod Dunham from TheHistoryphile.net, Heather Welch from Sunshine and PowerCuts, Jason Bryant from Mat Talk Online, Gerald and Andy from Two Peas on a Podcast, Bandrew Scott from The Bandrew Says Podcast and Podcastage YouTube Channel, Adam from Everyone Has a Podcast. and Barry G, Nick and Justin from Epic Film Guys, Jeremy Collins from Podcasts We Listen To, and the North Omaha History Podcast and Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting.
If you’re interested in freshening up your own show or starting a podcast, visit EPodcastProductions.com and use the promo code STORYBEHIND for $25 off a Strategy Session. Hope to talk to you soon!
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